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[AI & Block-chain engineering] Cryptocurrency & NFT transaction and donation service

최종 수정일: 2022년 6월 3일

Figure 1. Hand to Hand intro image

Project Summary

On February 24, 2022, Russian invasion of Ukraine began. The Ukrainian government began receiving support by disclosing the addresses of cryptocurrency wallet, and in a short period there was an explosion of fundraising.

Hand to Hand is a donation platform created to encourage cryptocurrency donations to Ukraine. In addition, this service provides the Ukrainian landscape painting Non-Fungible Token (NFT) created by AI and allows it to be transacted in a blockchain environment.

Figure 2. Cryptocurrency wallet of Ukraine government

  • Service Name : Hand to Hand

  • Project Duration : 21. Feb. 2022 ~ 08. Apr.2022

  • Number of Team members : 5

  • Role : AI and Block-chain Engineer, Web Front-end Developer

  • Skills

Figure 3. Hand to Hand service architecture


  • AI Model : StyleGAN3

  • Training Data : WikiArt-cityscape(5,000), WikiArt-landscape(5,000), Ukraine image(3,000)

  • Frechet Inception Distance (FID) : 10.2

Figure 4. Training Dataset

Figure 5. StyleGAN3 output images

Figure 6. Video of output images by parameter value

Service Demo

조회수 21회댓글 0개


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